Wednesday, April 4

Website updates YAY

Well that needed to be done, nIIz Designs web page has now been updated with almost everything from the shop. We have some more photos to get up, but I’m tired of coding now, I’ll get them up with in the next few days.

It’s something I’ve meant to do a while, but I kept putting it off, something I shouldn’t have done, but with me doing most of the promotional stuff (Okay so my partner’s been on creative streak so I’ll give her that credit) I just haven’t really wanted to work on the site. Though I’m thinking I should change the coloring on the main page to match the awesome banner one of our clients gave me.

 I think that will be a project for another day, right now as I said I’m sick of coding so I’m going to be lying out in the sun taking pictures of the products we still need to get into the shop.

While I was working on things I did put up a link page, I’m going to offer a link exchange for anyone who has a handmade crafts shop. If you want me to post a link in my shop drop a line here, or over on my Zibbet and I’ll get your banner up in the shop as soon as I can. Usually it’ll be one or two days from when you ask, all I ask is a link somewhere back to my shop.

And ooh! My partner in crime (Well friends have said the stuffed animals are criminally cute) just told me lunch is ready so I have to get going, Hoping my next update will have some of the shop stuff I’ve been working on.


Monday, April 2

of blonks and cold meds....

Monday morning and I’m wishing that it wasn’t so wet out so I could get some pictures.  Instead I’m playing with key chain and cell phone charms.  The ones I’ve made so far are kind of cute, would be better if I knew where I had put my doll eyes for them though.  Looks like that’s what I’m looking for later today, organization?  I have none.

And I’m fully going to blame that on the Blonks running my little lab.  Really why did I stick Sack and Captain in charge of it?  Those two can get distracted in a heartbeat.  

On the upside, I think I lost the rest of my brain cells with my sneezing fit, meaning they have a mindless zombie to order around…

On second thought, that might not be such a good thing after all, who knows what kind of creatures will be coming out of my cold meds haze. 
(me on cold meds, trust me)

Hm, maybe I can use this time to work on some jewelry?  I know I’m running low on that to photograph for the shop.  And even Blonks need bling right?  Right, well looks like I’m going to be playing with sharp pointy things today, as well as crochet hooks. 

Anyone see where they stashed my extra large mocha cup?  Because I have a feeling I’m going to need a large raspberry white chocolate mint mocha with extra whipped cream and I’m thinking sprinkles today.  Yeah, sprinkles would just make the day ever so much better. 

Either that or a trip to the book store, Captain wants a few new steam punk geared books I promised him I’d get some if he would leave me alone for a bit.  I’m not holding my breath on that since he’s trying to figure out how to saddle the cat. 
(Captain Steamer Bunny - Yes that's his real name - Looking all smug at me)

I’d be more worried if he wasn’t four inches tall.  And the fact I’m thinking a stuffed animal’s planning that?  Just shows how well my cold meds are working.  Maybe I’ll just call today off.